Climate policy in national transport planning – a power analysis, POMAK

The aim of this project was to provide insights about formal and informal institutional conditions and power relations that shape the integration of climate consideration into strategic decisions about long-term transport infrastructure development in Sweden. The project was carried out from January 2018 to December 2021.

The project focused the process of long-term national transport planning, which is a critical case for understanding the integration of climate considerations in long term political decision making on transport.

The project comprised the following research tasks:

  1. Mapping the key (formal and informal) arenas, actors, processes and practices that shape long-term national transport policy and planning in Sweden.

  2. Identifying explicit and implicit norms and perspectives related to transport, climate and societal development expressed in these arenas/by these actors and in the processes/practices in focus.

  3. Exploring tensions, conflicts/conflicting rationalities and how these are expressed and managed in practice, in key arenas and by key actors, throughout the transport policy and planning process.

The project was carried out by means of a qualitative methodological approach with an emphasis on in-depth interviews with planners and decision makers. The work also included analyzing the content of documents that investigate, analyze and consolidate the direction of the transport system's long-term development.


A climate report gone missing – power mechanisms in Swedish national transport planning ( External link.

Discursive power dynamics affecting how climate targets are framed and integrated in national transport planning: the case of Sweden (DiVA) External link.

Att integrera klimatmål i nationell transportplanering – Slutrapport (Naturvårdsverket, Final report with an English summary) External link.

På väg mot hållbar omställning? Kunskap, makt och mening i nationell transportplanering (DiVA, in Swedish) External link.


Klimatrapporten som försvann – Presentation in Swedish by Linnea Eriksson, VTI, at Transportforum 2020 Pdf, 569.2 kB.

The Missing Climate Report – Presentation of results from the project nfrom the conference NGM in Trondheim 2019 Pdf, 972.6 kB.

About the conference NGM 2019 – Nordic Geographers Meeting (The Research Council of Norway website) External link.

Research team

Linnea Eriksson, VTI
Karolina Isaksson, VTI
Christina Lindkvist, Malmö Universitet

Reference group

Joanna Dickinson, Naturvårdsverket
Mattias Höjer, KTH
Emma Lund, Trivector
Fredrik Pettersson-Löfstedt, LTH
Tim Richardson, NMBU
Karin Winter, Trafikverket and KTH

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